
Customer Services

Offered Benefits

With our three command Centers and multiple Customer Experience Hubs that we have strategically situated in the entire major transport terminals across the country, our clients are assured of seamless co-ordination of bus routing and fleet management while passengers takes a sigh of relief to conveniently identify, select, schedule him/herself and secure his or her seat wherever they are

Provider's Benefits

Improved customer service

Forecasted and Increased in revenue generation

Efficient time management

Effective Demand management

Effective supply management

Detailed reports for planning

Passenger's Benefits

Memorable customer service experience

Easy and accessible Multiple payment

Real-time access to Bus Schedules

Pickup Locations

Timely departure and arrival

Open options to patronize the service of a particular provider

Rules of Engagement

Getting the Best Out of Our Services

To ensure excellent delivery of services, we have carefully and flexibly crafted compliable rules of engagements that will instruct how each party to the service value chain must do. Therefore, each of the parties has its own rules which have been harmonized.


Terms And Conditions Of Service

Ticketing Procedure


Transit Passenger

Passenger At Terminal

Boarding Procedure

Transit Passenger

Passenger At Terminal